Dear Ivy (aka I.V. aka Internet Void)
As this blog just serves to be my little corner of the internet, I felt a little brave (but vulnerable) to type this out here. I worry. I worry a LOT. But these days, my topmost worry is about MONEY. Given my background, that is terribly ironic. Ironic-bad as in it makes me cry to think I am at my mid-30s still having no secure financial ground under my feet... Ironic-amusing as I had promised my younger self that when I grew up, I would NEVER let money drive my actions nor let its absence drive me to start arguments with my partner or emotionally "deprive" my offspring. Also because I AM that (annoying older) millenial who always thought that money is a tool, not a goal. I am ashamed to say this, but because this is a very lonesome cave, I can shout about it (in all CAPS) without much concern. I'm freaking SCARED, internet void Can I call you Ivy for short? It seems better to pretend I'm writing a letter to someone... also makes me sound a little less cuck...