Plain Jane

As I’m writing this, my face is covered in make-up, which it tends to do around 2 or 3x a year, usually coinciding with photo shoots or somebody’s child’s birthday. Most other days, I just slap on a concealer and some lip moisturizer and call it a day. What strikes me as funny (and it’s been weighing on my mind lately, you’ll know why in a minute) is because my rush photo shoot was because a senior colleague at the Society inquired if I may like to change my photo. The photo they had been using presented me under an unflattering light. I remember that the new members were rushed into submitting a photo with a blue blazer that very same afternoon and we were herded outside the back door of the stage under some alleyway to take a photo in someone else’s blazer. I don’t wear make-up, my face does tend to get dumpy under poor lighting and my eyebags (unless hidden by a mountain of concealer) get magnified and emphasized. Just remembering why I had to retake my photo in the first place ...